08788 514 0994 / 0819 088 12 519 / 021 981 58 618
08788 514 0994 / 0819 088 12 519
08788 514 0994 / 0819 088 12 519
Les privat bahasa inggris guru datang ke rumah / kantor bertujuan,untuk memberkan bimbimngan privat bahasa inggris untuk anda yang sangat sibuk dan tidak punyai waktu untuk belajar di luar rumah,memberikan pelajaran reading comprenhension adalah salah satu cara untuk meningkatkan kemampuan bahasa inggris anda,
Reading merupakan kegiatan yang sangat penting,menggapa ? dengan membaca kita akan mengetahui segala macam bentuk kejadian,di belahan dunia ini,dengan rajin,membaca kita dapat memahami suatu yang dulunya kita tidak tau,sehingga menjadi tau,dengan membaca para pelajar,bisa menjawab semua soal - soal ulangan,karenanya,dengan membaca anda bisa bahasa inggris,siswa mmenjadi banyak kosa kata,dengan kosa kata tersebut siswa dapat membuat sebuah kalimat kemudian menerapkannya dalam percakapan sehari-hari,kerena itu dalam belajar bahasa inggris membaca adalah sangat penting,
Yang dimaksud dengan membaca itu bukan membaca seperti burung beo,tetapi membaca dengan pengertian,yaitu tau dengan artinya,dan bisa menjawab soal yang di tanyakan,dalam bacaan tersebut,yang dalam bahasa inggrisnya dinamakan dengan reading comprehension,yang terjemahannya adalah mambaca dan pengertian,(mengetahui arti yang di baca)
Reading merupakan kegiatan yang sangat penting,menggapa ? dengan membaca kita akan mengetahui segala macam bentuk kejadian,di belahan dunia ini,dengan rajin,membaca kita dapat memahami suatu yang dulunya kita tidak tau,sehingga menjadi tau,dengan membaca para pelajar,bisa menjawab semua soal - soal ulangan,karenanya,dengan membaca anda bisa bahasa inggris,siswa mmenjadi banyak kosa kata,dengan kosa kata tersebut siswa dapat membuat sebuah kalimat kemudian menerapkannya dalam percakapan sehari-hari,kerena itu dalam belajar bahasa inggris membaca adalah sangat penting,
Yang dimaksud dengan membaca itu bukan membaca seperti burung beo,tetapi membaca dengan pengertian,yaitu tau dengan artinya,dan bisa menjawab soal yang di tanyakan,dalam bacaan tersebut,yang dalam bahasa inggrisnya dinamakan dengan reading comprehension,yang terjemahannya adalah mambaca dan pengertian,(mengetahui arti yang di baca)
Untuk anda yang adalah pemula biasanya sering mengalami kesulilatan dalam menterjemahkan kadang apa yang di baca bingung menterjemahkan bahasa inggris yang kadang - kadang terbalik,jika di terjemahkan kedalam bahasa indonesia,misalnya pada kata a young beautiful lady,yang kalau di terjemahkan dalam bahasa indonesia buku seorang muda cantik gadis,sedangkan,dalam terjemahan yang sebenarnya adalah seorang gadis muda yang cantik,banyaknya,kesulitan anda dalam belajar reading comprehension,mengundang privat inggris pejaran reading reading comprehension,untuk membantu anda dan putra - putri anda,
1.Smith is looking forward his weekend,he isn't going to get up early,he isn't going to think about his job,he isn"t going to take a bath early, he isn't going to clean his car early in the morning,he is going to watch tv for a long time,he is going to meet his old friend in his home,he is going to accompany his wife to go shopping in the supermarket,he is going to go to the cinema and watching a funny film with his wife,and relax in the park with his family in the afternoon
2.Marry is looking foward her birthday she is going to make a beautiful dress party she is going to make a nice cake she is going to invite her closes friends,she is going to invite her relative too,she is going to come to her teacher for inviting them,she is going to make tidy her party room,
3.Mrs anderson is looking foward for his illnes be recover,he drank many medicine,he ate
enought medicine, and took a rest in allday,he tried to he always do the spot by running in
the morning.play the basket ball,swim in the mornimg an afternoon, he alzo do a relax and
go to the village for taking a weather ang go somewhere with a thick clotch.he believe that
he will recover by many effort that he tried,finally now he recovered from his desease.
4.People a long time ago always wash their cloth by using their hand,they must used big energy to do but it is deferent with the people at this moment,part of them already wash by using .Washing machine is an equipment,which can be use to clean the clotch,
people usually put it near the bath room or where they can easily to put the water in it,there are many kinds of brand for washing machine it has defferent price,washing the clotch by using the machine is easier,because you don't need to used your hand,but not all the clotch can be washed by washing machine for a very thin clotch can not be done by washing machine,because the cloth can be broken,it can tear,you also must be careful if you want to wash the lose clotch because it can make the clotch colour move to another clotch your another clotch can change the colour in bed.
You also must be carefull if you want to dry your clotch by using the washing machine.you don;t need to fill until really full because your washing machine can be broken,if you want to buy the washing machine,you can buy it in the modern market or traditional markert, you must be carefull to put the washing machine don't put it on the flow water or some things that can be easy to burn,you must put it on the dry place,and also you must be carefully with the cable care it until can not be taught by the water because it can be broken,
The to use the washing machine,first you put the water,and than you put the soap,aflter that you put the clotch that you want to wash.after that you on the washing machine,after it change in to off throw away the water,and put water again,change in to on only for five minutes,after five minutes,after it change into of you throw the water again,you dry it buy using the washing machine,after that you can change it realy dry buy drying it on the sun shine,because dried by washing machine can not really dry,after your clotch dried you can iron your clotch and put it in to the cupboard and the clotch is ready to be used whenever you need it.
5.Air conditioner is kind of equipment that can make you cold,it is very good to be used in the hot weather,people usually put the air conditioner in the bedroom but there is also for them to put it in the lliving room or another room,if you want to use the air conditioner you must close the door,and ventilation,because your air contioner can be easy broken,air conditioner always used by the offfice,school,mall,bank and many kinds of institution,it is used to them can work nicely,
6.fan is an equipment can be used for making cold,but it is very diferent with the air conditioner,because fan can spread big win,sometime it can make you easy to catch cold,if you use the fan you must sit in front of it to get beter cold ,if you sit behing ofcourse you can not get cold,there are many kinds of fan you can buy the small one or the big one,it can be hung,put on the chair,table or on the floor,the big fan is more expensive than the small one.
The fan consist of many brands diferent brands is diferent price,the expensive price usually can be used for a long time because it is not easy broken,but cheap one usually easy broken,but it depend on you which do you want to choose,peoplle sixty year ago don't used a fan or air conditioner,if they are hot the used a paper as a fan to make their neck cold,by using this way is difficult because they are tired to move their hand,sone people can not used a fan that because they have alergy,but some people is realy enjoy to use the fan,
7.Car is kinds of vihicle which has four wheels,you can use a car to go somewhere faster,you just in the car and let the driver drive your car so you will arrive to some place that you want or you can drive you car your self if you can drive the car,the car consist of many color for example red,yellow,white,and black,car also consist of many brand and many tipes.you can used a car with mathic and manual.
If you want to go somewhere you can used your car,or you can used public transfort,there are many kinds of public transfrort,it is called microlet,bajay,bus,kopaja,and metromini bus,mettromini or kopaja or bus has a very long distance but microlet has a short ditance,the price of microlet is more expensive than the price of bus or kopaja,the beter thing by using microlet is you can sit or reading the story book sse your mobile while you are siting, is not enought seat,you must be carefully if you use the microlet,because they have the samne form anda color but diferent number,if you choose the wrong number you go to the wrong place,
8.Mrs Bill is my friend he likes to stay in the appartement because he think living in the appartement is savior,for example if people want to want to meet or to see him, he / she must ask to the security departments first ,and the security call him ,after that he can permit the person to come, his plat accompany by the security usually the security ask the identity card to the new person, or the person must wait in the lobby.
Another reason why Mrs smith like to stay in the appartment because in the appartement already available the mini market,cafe,restoran,atm,laundry,fitness room ,swimming pool ,course for the child and kindergarten,near to the bank,hotel,hospital,also near to the place where he can go to the office,besides leaving in the appartement has no neghbor so there is person distub him,or borrow something to him in the night so his sleep can be loudly,
9.Mrs Anderson like to stay in the house he is happy to stay there because he can talk the neighbour,make a good relationship and his neghbour help him,if he has a problem,he can borrow the neighbour's equipment and the neighbour can borrrow his equipment.too,one day he want to cut the three over his house,so he borrowed the neighbor's leader.it also happened when the neigbor want to make a party so he borrow the neigbor's chair,Mr Anderson is also happy because he also can plant many kinds of flowers in front of his house,for example the sun flower,rose,jusmine and many others flowers,he can care the dog as the guard in the gate of his fance,it will bark if the dog see the people who want to come to his house as if the dog inform to the owner that there is some one who come,
He also can care the cat in his house,the cat help him to catch the rat which always stolen his food and bit the cable of electricity,he can care the beautiful bird which can make the conversation to him because he teacher the bird how to speak,the parrot is a very clever animal it can speak to some one,if the owner teaches it how to speak,he also care the fish in front of the house,so the he tired from his office,he can relax by seeing the fish with many color and many size,the small and big size,he can put his car in the garage so he doesn't need to go so far to drive his car if he want to go somewhere,so Mr Anderson thinks that leaving in the house is a very good way,
Healty is talking not to get sick,in otherhand our body body is
not tobe attacked by the verios of desease,it is some illnes which
make people worry,if we make the comparation,the opinion
in ancester period is so far different in this era,as we can see today,a healty person is often describe as some one who has a good died , getsl lots of exercise and avoid the stress. It
apposite to the encient time, people taught oboit how to get food tobe eaten and directly ate
in the same day,of of course they didn't do the following
-Good died,died is a kind of good food tobe needed to make fixed of our body ,so, it can
make poeple has a healthy life, threre are some idie s about the food tobe considered as died.for instamce bread is good because it can make better tobe choosed.According to the
knowledge the are many anti-oxide mixed in the vegetable ,fruit is an exellemce died too,there are many vitamine can be observe our body by having a lunch using the fruit.
If we stay in the hotel or appartememt, these imstitutions usually provide the exercise equipments for fitness in the certain room combine with the swimming pool with the beautiful sleeping chair for making our body dry on the sun shine ,even there is a small
coffee for having meal ,there is also kimd of tool can make us healty can be found in the shoppinh centre it is message which can make refresh for for our body after getting tired
another exercise can be done by running or joging in the morning is the same quality with the above
Stress is very dangerous for our healty by getting stress it can make our body is suffered by the illness.so stress must be overcome as soon as possible ,there are many things can be done example we can go to piece place such as visit the mountains to see a beautuful scenery ,beatch to enjoy nice cold weather with the wave of the of the sea or we can take a rest at home.try to relax not to do anything
2.We have already known ,computers are now essential in many institutions,modern school.office and information exchange among other.however this is not true for education,for a simplle subject may be it is better tobe used,but to explain particular concepts a human teacher is the best ,why ? because it can adapt to what item tobe given,
There are a large number subject which computer can be used,an easy lesson,a simple formula.a lower material.repitition wathcing you tobe showing,how to practice some parttern,dialogue,promumciation,and so on ,it is not a complete information,computer can be programed to provide simple question and answer,in orderhand ,it is just a refresh the old material that already long time tobe learned,so it can remembered again,
PRIVAT INGGRIS latihan reading tentang kelemahan belajar dengan komputer
Learning and practicing are the complicated ones,so that a computer is not sufficient , it is just able to evaluate a right and wrong answer,but the students can not be explain clearlyit can not improve the student's spirit ,it has no capabality to find out why the student making mistakes and represent important concepts in many diferen ways so the student will be easy to understand.it can only indicate that the final unswer is false or true ,the pattern is not complete,besides the learners can not ask some questions that they confuses
A very good way if we ask some somes question about the meaning of a words,but to stranslate the article computer can not solve it ,because of the ability is nt perfect
thus ,the computer is a useful equipment for mastering lower skill,they are not essentiel feature of modern education ,because computer can persuade the student to do the best duty,so there is no another better solution is study with human teacher,
Susanty works hard in an office all week,On Sunday and Monday she was very busy,she must go to foreign country and make a meeting to his bussiness friends,she also busy with her social life,this week end she is going to europe she has never been there,end she want to see as much as she can while she is there,This is mary's plan
When she finishes work on Wednesday morning,she'll take a taxi to the airport and fly to europe,she'll go to the hotel and leave her suitcase there,than she'll have dinner with some friends who live in Europe.
Susanty's friend know Europe very well,They are going to take her to all the interesting places,Friday evening after dinner they are going to drive around the city in their car,That way Marie will be able to see Europe at night
On saturday early moring,Susany will get up early,after she has breakfast,her friends are going to drive her to the historic towns of Conconrd and Lexington,They will habe lunch at a restaurant in concord,then they will visit Harvat University.
Last month was John's Birthday,He got a lot of presents from his friends and family,All the gift were wrapped in colored paper,Some of the packages were large,but others were very small,Some were heavy,and others were light,One square package was blue,there was a book in it,Another one was long and narrow,it had an umbrella in it,.
Jim's sister gave him a big square package,it was yellow,there is a laptop in it,there was another small package it was a handphone,John mother gave him a big round package,he thought it was a ball,but it wasn't,When he removed the yellow paper that covere it,he saw that it was a globe,and the round frame,his father gave him a gift,it was a small box wraped in blue paper,it was a gold ring,John's was very happy of that,
After hat his uncle gave his a gift,it was a very big wraped in green paper,Jim opened it and found another box,covered with red paper.Jim opened and found it and found another box covered with brown paper,He removed the paper and saw a third box,this one was blue in color,
Everyone laughed as Jim opened the boxes,There were six of them in the last one he found a small white envelope,there was a piece of paper in the envelope which said,Go to the bathroom,Look in the bath up,near the mirror,bihind the closed near the door,Youu will see three suitcases,a black one ,a green one and the white one.Your birthday present is in one of these.
Jim went in the large bedroom,He went to the closet and began opening tbe suitcases,He had to open all of them before he saw his brother's present,He was very happy.It was just what Jim wanted a small televition,so he put it into his badroom,he usually watch it,for knowing the news,
When Hengky came home from the office last Thursday night he saw a note from his wife on the kitchen table,"Hengky".the note said,"my mother isn't well and I am going home to be with her for a few days,There are a few thing that ought to be done while I'm away.
"First,take your blue coat to the dry cleaer's and leave your shirts at the laundry,At the same time would you please stop at the shoe repairman's amd get my brown shoed? And go to the supermarker and get some coffee,milk,and butter.
"When you get home.please telepone Monica blockford and tell her I won't be able to go to her party tomorrow,evening.Tell her why I can't come,also tell to shanty I can't go swim with her this week,If have already had time to swim I would have called her,
"There ae three things that must be done before you go to work tomorrow morning.leave a note a for the milkman asking for just one quart of milk,not two put the garbage in the backyard,give the dog something to eat."If you have time on Sunday.cut the grass,Don't forger the grass in the back
yard,The newspaper boy will come on Sunday afternoon Be sure to give him money."I think
that't all,I'll telepone this evening and let you.know how Mother is.
Lasr week Bella had to go to Lost Agles,it was his first time there,and he didn't know his way around the city,He had a meeting at 10 o'clock,and he wanted to be on time.The meeting was in the John Smith Building,on 44th Steet,but Bill didn't know where that was,seeing two men standing on the corner he asked them for directions,
"Pardom me ," he said," but can you tell me how to get to the John Smith Building on 34th Street?"
"Sure," answered one of the men." You can ger there in five minutes Go to the next corner and turn right and than turn left after you are infront of the the bank you can walk for block and that the John Smith Building,
But the other man said: there's a better way,Get on the bus here at this corner and turn left,go sright away,It stops right near the John Smith Building,"Not John," Bella told him "Johm Smith "
Than the fist man said,"Oh,that's on East 34th Street.not West 44th,It's quite a distance from here.You'll have to take the subway ."
But the second man told Bill: "No don't go by subway ,Take the crosstown bus.It goes to the
John Smithes Building,"John Smith not John Smithes.Bella look at his watch.It was almost ten o'clock,Thanks a lot,"he said," I think I'll take a taxi,."As he got into the taxi he saw
the two men arquing and pinting in the different directions,Next timr he wanted to know how
to ger to a place.he'd ask a policeman
A golden wedding anniversary is a celebration of fifty years of marriage.Usually there is a big party for all the friends and relatives of the married couple,Just think what a lot of people this can be!There are some and daugthers,nieces and nephews,brothers and sisters,cousins.grand.children even great grandchildren,of course many old friends come too.
Frequently,members of the family from different town don't see each othervery often.They are glad to come to on anniversary party.But it can be a time of confusion for the child.it's hard for them to remember the name of their families one by one.David," one of mother will say.This is your cousin Jeany,He's really your second cousin because he's Dorothy's son.Dorothy is my first cousin.Her mother is willy ellen.my father's sister,"
At times there are stepsisters,half brothers and nieces in law.There are aunts and uncles' who aren't relatives at all,but good friends of the family!It can be very confusing ,but everyone has a good time.Jully had a very very good time,As fast as one question was answer she would ask the next,"What happened to the Dunbars who used to have the little yellow house on the xoner,"Who bought the old Robby place in the next block? "Do Fhilif and Sansan still live in this village?"What about Miss Maria who llived alone in that extremely big house around the corner?
Then we went to see the neighborhood where I grew up.What o dissappointment! It was all changed.All the old houses I remembered were gone and in their place were some very modern anes,I didn't know any of the people who lived there,Someone has said that you can't go home again,David might not think so bu believe this is truerr
Robbert Roberto Getting Sick
Robbert Adams was very quit s Dr Fernando examined him.The doctor looked at the boy's throat,took his temperature and listened to his heart,Finally,He asked Rbobbert;s mother a few questions "When di Robbert begin to feel ill"This morning when he got up,He said he felt too sick to go to school today,"What did he eat for breakfast? " He had orange juice,two pieces of buttered toast,dry cereal ,and milk."
'I see," The doctor asked Robbert,How do you feel,now,my boy? Robbert answered,Terrible I think I'm going to die,"The doctor said , You won't die,In fact,you'll be fine by dinner time,Dr Smith answered"Mrs adams,your son has a sickness that is very common to boys at a time like thisIt comes and goed very quickly."Mrs Roberto said," But I don't understand,"
"Today." the doctor told her,"the most important baseball game of the year is on television,If Rbbert feels well enought to watch television this afternoon,and I think he does,he will be fine when the game is finished,It is the only cure I know for this sickness,Now If you'll exuse me,I must go across the street to see the Morton's boy.Alfred,He seems to have the same thing Bobbert has today."
I think the most terrible thing in life for my little sister is getting up in the morning She is almost sick when my old sister calls,"Hermanict it's seven o'clock!Get up !"
Hernanict answers.I'm coming !" and go back to sleep.I'm not at all little sister,I don't like to go bed at night but I don't mind getting up in the morning.I usually wake up before my old sister calls me,I jump out of bed and go into the bathroom to take my shower.I get dressed,brush my teeth.comb my hair,and get ready to go downstairs for breakfast as soon as my young sister calls
But hermanick.she just sleeps,A military band in our bedroom could not wake him up.I call him and says."get up! old sister will be up here to pull you out of bed if you don't get up.Immediately!"
But he just sleeps.After callilng a few more times my mother has to come upstairs and pull Hermaict out of bed,He always says,"I was going to get up in another minute,Raally I was,"
It's that way every day with my little brother,Perhaps some day he'll learn to get up on time,but I really don't think so
Brother's opinion
When I was a child there were some people whose ideas I respected,My Brother John sone,I thought,he knew everything about the world,he had traveled and seen all there was to see.i believed anything he told me about places like japan,Australia,and Brazil,When I wanted to know anything about basket ball,volly ball,food ball,and table tennis,I asked our neighbor,Mr Bronsone,there wasn't anything he didn't know about that game,My teacher ,Mrs Elsabethy was an expert on nature and I always believed all of the things she told our class about plantation,animals and other things,she told me our class about plants and animals,
When I was sixteen years old I got the idea that my parents,while they were very nice people and i loved them.really didn't know very much I of course knew everything,Then when I was eighteen,I realized my mother and father.uncle and aunt had learned a lot in just two years,I know respected their opinions on different subject,It took two years,of growing up for me to realized that they had had these opinion and ideas all the time
Some people have an opinion on every subject,Others have none.The best kind is the person who studies the subject before giving an answer to the question,but I just believe my brother's opinion is the best,because before he took the decition he always considered carefully,
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